While not all unexpected events turn out to be negative, most of the time, the ones that affect your finances tend to be negative surprises. While you can’t control what happens in the future, a bit of planning can help manage the outcome. A home is likely the largest investment you’ll ever make. You trusted Seven Gables to help you find your home, now let us help you protect it.
Do you have the right protection in place? If a fire spread throughout your home, would you be ready to replace all your possessions? Are your appliances covered in case they are damaged by a leaking pipe? Do some of your rooms have flooring that requires replacement? When it comes to insurance, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. From the number of rooms and size of the house, up to the number of pets and types of businesses you might have running out of your home, each homeowner has different risks they want to guard against. Life is full of surprises and the best way to prepare for them is with the right insurance. And it doesn’t need to cost a fortune.
There is nothing more devastating than a fire or flood in your home, followed by a long and arduous insurance claim process. At Seven Gables Insurance Services, our experts work with you to find an insurance plan that fits your needs. We shop over 30 top-rated providers to make sure you get the right policy at the right price. Not sure what you need? We can help identify any potential gaps in your current coverage and offer recommendations on how to protect your assets.
Not all insurance agencies are equal, and remember, you get what you pay for. Utilize a trusted resource that has the expertise and extensive resources to find the insurance company that best suits your protection needs. You might be thinking, “I already have a homeowners insurance policy…”, but do you have the protection you need? If you’re looking for better coverage, more flexibility or just someone who will work harder to earn your business, give SGIS a call!
Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or seasoned homeowner, we can make sure you’re protected from the unexpected. Having homeowners insurance won’t prevent damage to your home, but it may help provide a financial safety net if the unexpected occurs. We can help provide you with the affordable, quality coverage you and your family deserve. Contact Seven Gables Insurance Services today to learn more about home insurance and other coverage options.
Call: 714-500-8150
License No. 2111357
19671 Beach Blvd., Suite 102, Huntington Beach, CA 92648